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Thursday, 24 February 2011

“RAW” Determination




A year ago, I decided to go Vegan, and it was the best decision I have ever made for myself.  Now that I have mastered the art of Vegan cuisine, I decided to take it to the next level: RAW.  First of all, I know you’re reading this and asking yourself, “What does this have to do with fashion?”  Well, I’ll tell you: I want to look amazing in my clothes, feel confident in my bathing suit, and strut my stuff like there’s no tomorrow!  Since this is my first RAW meal EVER, I wanted to share it with my fierce fashion followers!  Tonight, I made lasagna, which I got from “Raw Food Made Easy For 1 or 2 People,” by Jennifer Cornbleet.   Then, for a side-dish, I made kidney beans drizzled with Italian dressing.  It is actually really, REALLY good!

   Over the past year, my husband has welcomed my vegan concoctions with open arms and ate whatever I put in front of him.  I know this style of eating can be a little extreme for some, so I wasn’t sure how he would like this.  Now that I’ve tasted just how good raw-eating can be, I’m sure he’ll be as pleasantly surprised as I am! Here is my first meal…


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What are you doing to get ready for the Summer season?


Stay Fashionably Fabulous!


  1. I find this interesting, but I know I am not disciplined enough to stick to it. Maybe one day when I actually have time to plan things like meals. :] I think it's awesome and you look PHENOMENAL!

  2. That's great :-) While I eat as little meat as possible, I can't bring myself to go 100% veggie...sometimes my body simply wants some meat.
    I'm not doing anything special to get ready for next summer - all I'm actually doing is waiting for summer to finally arrive *lol* It's still so darn cold over here *boo*

    Would you mind checking out my blog? Follow eachother if you like?

  3. Great post. I have always want to be a vegetarian but not as strict as began diet. However it is difficult to do so as long as I still have to cook meat for my husband and our two years old. What I do though is cut down on meat when cooking so we are one step closer to being vegetarian (maybe lol).

  4. Thank you very much for your sweet comment on my blog :-)
    Following you back now!

  5. Shopping, of course! Loading up on sundresses and sky-high wedges!! :)


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